Diana had been very reluctant to take the Escort along but I insisted as it was only in the way at Paxton and we had a free garage at Harnser.
Diana had been very reluctant to take the Escort along but I insisted as it was only in the way at Paxton and we had a free garage at Harnser.

The journey from Paxton to Horning in two cars after walking Sam and ordering some parts from Maplin.

A difficult journey in the dark and driving rain but we had a break for tea at a Little Chef and a stop at Norwich Tesco.

Diana had set her mind on going off straight away to Norfolk and so, although I would rather have stayed at home and caught up with lost sleep and overdue work, I went along with her. As a compromise, we were to stay for most of the day and leave after Sam had his walk. I gave him a long walk to the gravel pits before breakfast as I was not sure how much exercise he had been receiving.

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Then some time continuing to assemble my aerial tuner until I realised that I was to need some more components and so I placed a telephone order with Maplin to get them. A bit of a rush to pack later and then, after lunch and a walk in the rain for Sam, it was off in two cars to Norfolk. Diana had been very reluctant to take the Escort along but I insisted as it was only in the way at Paxton and we had a free garage at Harnser.

We compromised again by us arranging to get it serviced at Broadland Motors in the morning so that it would run all right for her. A difficult journey in the dark and driving rain but we had a break for tea at a Little Chef and then continued on our way.

A stop at the Norwich Tesco as we arrived and then to a dark Ropes Hill Dyke where we soon had things set up for the night. We dropped off the Escort this evening to save time and a rush in the morning. Tried to contact Sam Weller tonight but had to leave an answering machine message as they were not it.