Walking Sam in the gravel pits
Walking Sam in the gravel pits

The day monitoring my weather recording software on a cold and icy day, walking Sam in the gravel pits and attending to some administration and journal before helping the girls with their homework later

Another cold night and the ice and snow were still laying in sheltered places from yesterday as we got up. Breakfast with the family and then a long walk with Sam along the fields by the river downstream and back through the gravel pits. I was using the firmer ground to avoid getting muddy whilst I quartered Sam across the fields. He did not do too badly but still exhibits the habit of running to his own standards and sniffing signs of other dogs and animals.

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I met the Rev Peter Lewis with his two dogs in the gravel pits area and chatted for a while. I could control Sam off of the lead, but Peter had to keep his wild Alsatian on the lead for fear of fighting. I let Sam play with two other dogs as well and find that he is gradually socialising a bit better and tries less to compete with every dog he sees. Home quite late to find no sign of the gardener. I get very upset with him these days because, in cold or wet weather, he does not stay to get on with a range of work that I could give to him. Perhaps he lacks fitness or enthusiasm, but I might have to see about changing him for another before long.

The rest of the short morning and most of the afternoon receiving a range of Navtex and Facsimile weather broadcasts to get an idea of which ones would be useful for regular reception. Also time to catch up with these last two days' journal before utilising the remainder of daylight with Sam. Not very much achieved in the evening except helping the girls with their homework and then monitoring more faxes.