Nigel suspects the worse outcome in his fraud case and was putting his affairs in order
Nigel suspects the worse outcome in his fraud case and was putting his affairs in order

Much apprehension for Sam's Training Day as I prepared thoroughly but he performed well in the end.

The same for Nigel as he suspects the worse outcome in his fraud case and was putting his affairs in order and cannot think about shooting activities.

However, we discuss Cambridge Street and he offers Daniel a work experience place. Later a visit from Charles & Norma Jackson

I had missed the previous month's training day for Sam and so was rather apprehensive about how he was going to perform today. On his morning walk he was at first rather disobedient and chased after another dog on St Neots Common and this was not a very good start. Back for my usual cereal breakfast (fried meals are out of the question with Diana) and then over to see Nigel this morning. I was still wondering about the cancellation of our joint shooting and whether we could go earlier or later instead but I found him very concerned about his fraud case.

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Though believing himself to be entirely innocent, the weight of evidence seems against him, and he is preparing himself for the worst case scenario - being locked up for three months - and is busy trying to put his affairs in order just in case. He cannot think about spending time away before the case and cannot really count on being available afterwards. I am upset for him, and Lynn and we will all be glad when it is over. He spontaneously offered something that was very kind - a work-experience place for Daniel with his company if he wanted to take it up. The only caveats would be that he did not mix our friendship with work and that he would have to work hard to meet deadlines etc for the programming.

Sometime also discussing our plans for Cambridge Street. Home for lunch and then off to Harlow for the training session. After the long walk this morning, I still got their early and gave Sam plenty of time to run around with the other dogs and let off steam. When it came to the session, Sam was put in his puppy class with two complete newcomers and two other bitches: one older and one younger than him. He was steady enough in the sits and stays and with weaving in and out of the other dogs and then excelled himself in the retrieves both in and out of water, where the others were reluctant. Well done Sam! Amongst the spare whistles etc that I bought from the secretary, I bought a video and watched it with Della later in the evening.

The combination of the day's training and the film gave my training efforts a key psychological boost when I was getting a bit disillusioned. In between all this, I arrived back to a visit from Charles and Norma who came for tea. Diana's dad had been playing tennis with Debbie before I arrived and then we had a good chat before it was time for them to go. It was cold again today but the breeze was slighter and the ground both at home and in Hertfordshire was quite parched due to lack of rain.