Horror stories in Croatia as Moslem prisoners and starved and abused just as in the Nazi concentration camps
Horror stories in Croatia as Moslem prisoners and starved and abused just as in the Nazi concentration camps

On a cloudier and milder day, Daniel was up early and anticipating his first day at work and I was training Sam who found a a large covey of partridges in the field opposite.

I finished writing a dozen or more letters, paying bills and resolving various things as Diana went with Debbie, Della and some of their friends along to Wickstead Park.

This, before her and I later to the cinema this evening to see Clint Eastwood in the film "In the Line of Fire". horror stories in Croatia as Moslem prisoners and starved and abused just as in the Nazi concentration camps.

There was a distinct change of weather in the air today as the barometer started to drop, the wind backed to the east and the day was cloudier and milder. I was slow to get up after Diana had made us late to bed but I was not the only one as Debbie went straight back to sleep again. Daniel was up early and anticipating his first day at work and Diana had made him an attractive packed lunch to take. As my contribution, I gave him some letters to drop off with Nigel to save postage! The run with Sam before breakfast and then some time during the day and another run later.

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In general they went well and I am gradually steadying Sam down and getting him to stand and lay down as well as sit. Some retrieving whilst we were out including good ones in water which he enters boldly now and without hesitation. One problem was in the meadow opposite my house where he was quartering away and then seemed to be pointing. I thought the fool was tracking field voles again and then a large covey of partridges went up as I strode ahead and he chased them, of course, much to my annoyance. I just did not think that the growing grass was holding any game and was caught out good and proper.

During the day I finished writing a dozen or more letters, paying bills and resolving various things. I tried to repair the swimming pool multi-port valve but failed and so opted to arrange for somebody to call and make the repair tomorrow instead. Matters to organise against my forthcoming Scottish trip and all else. Diana went with Debbie, Della and some of their friends along to Wickstead Park where she bought them arm-bands and had a good time. Despite the preoccupation of the household in getting the girls ready for their return to school,

I managed to get Diana out later to the cinema this evening to see Clint Eastwood in the film "In the Line of Fire". The 125th Trades Union Congress this week and much discussion about the proposed re-arrangement of voting power in The Labour Party. The potential for an Israel-PLO agreement is looking good again but horror stories in Croatia as Moslem prisoners and starved and abused just as in the Nazi concentration camps.