Organising the LibDem local elections on a warm and sunny day
Organising the LibDem local elections on a warm and sunny day

Organising the LibDem local elections on a warm and sunny day giving out advice and instruction sheets to the helpers for all of the processes.

We were doing surprisingly well in the new wards of Buckden and Eynesbury, we were sadly lacking as far as canvassing in the villages making up The Offord’s. Then A good long run with Sam in the afternoon

The weather even better than yesterday being both warm and sunny which made a very pleasant surprise. The same morning routine as yesterday so that I was able to join the girls with Sam for the walk to the bus stop. Then on with him to the gravel pits where I achieved a slightly better entry into the water for him which was progress.

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The rest of the morning working on the election campaign guidance where I laid out my knowledge in the form of advice and instruction sheets for all of the processes. Into town to get some money to pay the gardener and buy some folders so that I could make up the copies into four campaign manuals for distribution into each of the four wards.

A visit to Sally to pass one on and exchange information and another to Terry Clough. From all this, and my telephone calls in the evening, I deduced that we had a lot to do in the election campaign and, though we were doing surprisingly well in the new wards of Buckden and Eynesbury, we are sadly lacking as far as canvassing in the villages making up The Offords.

Some hectic activity later on in the evening to try to plan a better approach began to pay off. A good long run with Sam in the afternoon during which he found and pointed a couple of rabbits and was stoppable on the flush, but I am finding that the Molesworth set-aside is no longer holding game as most creatures now seem to be in amongst the growing crops on neighbouring property.