Daniel back early for lunch due to a power cut at Tensor Systems in Hail Weston
Daniel back early for lunch due to a power cut at Tensor Systems in Hail Weston

The journey home, trying to reassure a depressed Jim and then a better training session at home as Sam was either tired or had reflected upon the events of the last three days and had gained in steadiness and experience.

A nice evening meal with the children good and cooperative and the whole family in a good mood and then a complete evening catching up on this last few days journal

A good night's sleep for us three and I was the first awake again to use the bathroom and get dressed. Breakfast and then out with Jim and Ben for a walk along the road in a strong and cold wind before in to pack and clean and tidy up the cottage. Then the rain bucketed down and we had that weather for the journey back.

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A quiet chat with Jim who was depressed and reflecting on the three days, and I did my best to keep him company and cheer him up. I dropped him off home and played with his daughter a while and looked at his other dog Jesse and their kennel before setting off for Paxton. I was tired for the rest of the journey and a bit stiff but arrived safely home to find Daniel back early for lunch due to a power cut at Tensor Systems in Hail Weston. He seemed pleased to see me and helped me unload. I made my own lunch of soup and then Diana arrived in a poor mood after her depression and exhaustion, but I did my best to cheer her up.

A mound of mail and several telephone calls to return. The weather had brightened and so I cleaned out the rear of the car and the kennel and sorted out the dirty blankets. Sam sat quietly both in the back of the car and in the garage when asked and was steady to thrown rabbit skins and a dead pheasant which were thrown near him. I took him out as dusk fell and he was surprisingly obedient and then quartered the best that I had ever seen him! I concluded that he was either ill, tired or had reflected upon the events of the last three days and had gained in steadiness and experience.

A nice evening meal with the children good and cooperative and the whole family in a good mood and then a complete evening catching up on this last few days journal.