England beat Denmark 1-0 in their first football international since Terry Venables took over as their coach
England beat Denmark 1-0 in their first football international since Terry Venables took over as their coach

Still mild again as the family embarked upon the third morning's effort to get fed and out of the house. Diana was back from the health farm later after I had more success with him pointing pheasants and I had tackled a backlog of filing.

England beat Denmark 1-0 in their first football international since Terry Venables took over as their coach.

Still mild again as the family embarked upon the third morning's effort to get fed and out of the house. Della was the latest to bed last night and the most reluctant up today in consequence but at least she made it with the others. Some more waterwork with Sam after breakfast; choosing Mill Meadow for the task.

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Some jumping and retrieving with him afterwards until he seemed to lose interest in the dummy again and I got quite concerned. I need not have worried so much, however, as it was due to him winding a running cock pheasant and so, when I let him get back to quartering, he found it and pointed it beautifully. This afternoon, I took him up to Molesworth where I managed to control him and got him onto the scent of a hen pheasant in come cover. This was his best point yet and so I now know that he can point pheasant reliably.

In between times, Diana arrived back from Henlow Grange and seemed to have enjoyed the rest. Even so, she was glad to be back and to see us all again and to ask all manner of embarrassing questions as to what we had been doing - or, more to the point, what we had not been doing! A good job this afternoon tackling my huge pile of filing. The evening watching England beat Denmark 1-0 in their first football international since Terry Venables took over as their coach. I had invited Di's parents over to watch the game live on our satellite TV but they declined.