Then some time writing up our election results as a news release and then eventually along to Sally's to agree the copy
Then some time writing up our election results as a news release and then eventually along to Sally's to agree the copy

The election aftermath catching up with walking and training Sam and noting that the farmer opposite has chopped down and grubbed out a number of the mature willows in Mill Meadow which was a shame.

Then some time writing up our election results as a news release and then eventually along to Sally's to agree the copy, get my things together, copy across data files and dismantle my computer for carrying home.

Then counselling Terry Clough on the wisdom of not standing against Terry Hayward on the parish council but instead making his peace and getting assurances that they will restart with a new and better relationship.

**"Read More" BELOW for the complete story**

The morning after the day and week before. Up slowly and out with Sam to try to give him some fuss after days of partial neglect. He ran well, entered water for retrieves and was quite obedient but I had to take him in hand a bit for not walking to heel nicely. In recent times, many of the places where I trained him to go to the toilet have been enclosed by fences as it seems that others knew what we were using them for.

As if under the cover of the election campaign, the farmer opposite has chopped down and grubbed out a number of the mature willows in Mill Meadow which is a shame. Time writing up our election results as a news release and then eventually along to Sally's to agree the copy, get my things together, copy across data files and dismantle my computer for carrying home. A chat to Sally, learning the lessons of the campaign and advising her and assessing the problems of integrating the new enlarged LibDem group on HDC. I was concerned that Percy was declining steadily and becoming both physically and mentally less able to discharge the job effectively.

Then away to Buckden where I found Terry Clough at home for his lunch break and there counselled him on the wisdom of not standing against Terry Hayward on the parish council but instead making his peace and getting assurances that they will restart with a new and better relationship. Terry Clough will be more use to the District Group if he avoids taking on the chore of Parish Chairman for the time being and just remains the centre of influence instead. Home late for lunch but Diana had gone off to Bedford anyway to make her last-minute arrangements for Debbie's party. I had to start the long process of trying to get my life in general and office in particular back to normal and my first task was to file away the election results, data files and papers for next time. Then a start on this last week's journal; neglected due to lack of time.