Sam practising dummy holding and retrieves
Sam practising dummy holding and retrieves

I followed up with the issue of Debbie being bullied on the bus by Mark Klein by speaking to his father and also squared the matter of repairs to a car I had damaged.

Still delays with Nigel ordering my new computer but three sessions with Sam today taking advantage of the early afternoon sunshine to take some pictures of him and then practise dummy holding and retrieves

The girls got off to school all right this morning even if Debbie did get her shoe-cleaning black all over the hall carpet. Diana went to Bedford for her weekly shop and left me at home catching up with the chores and paperwork. I heard from Doug Brown's company, Eastern Electricity, this morning about the repairs to his car that I damaged.

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It seems a new door was needed and this, with the generosity of my insurance company to third-party claims and no-claims bonuses, means that it is worth putting the matter through my insurance anyway to save hundreds of pounds. I made some enquiries about ordering computer parts today but found trouble in actually tracing vendors who had the items in stock. Was also disappointed to find the supplier of my new system still had not heard from Nigel's Tensor even a week after he had promised to get it for me.

Three sessions with Sam today as I took some time in the early afternoon sunshine to take some pictures of him and then practise dummy holding and retrieves. An open log fire in my office to give me comfort as I worked away on archiving last month's journal. This cheered up another cold wintry day and also saved me putting on the gas central heating with the rest of the house being empty. Debbie had problems on the school bus and ran to her room in tears tonight.

Della told us of the role of Mark Kline in throwing all her Christmas Cards on the floor of the bus and so I telephoned Mark and cleverly made him pay. I asked him to get his father to call me on his return from work later "about your behaviour on the bus tonight". He had to sweat it out for three hours before Mr David Kline and I exchanged notes and agreed a course of action. Some televised football this evening and then to bed.