I tucked Sam up with three blankets to keep him warm and comfortable for the night.
I tucked Sam up with three blankets to keep him warm and comfortable for the night.

Sam was ill and off his food today, being sick after probably picking up something. Some lunch and Christmas shopping and then putting Sam to bed with three blankets. A clear sky and cold evening.

Diana brought the Christmas Tree in this evening ready to be decorated but Della was back too late to make a start on it.

Sam is usually so fit, bouncy and voracious that he cuts a very sorry figure when he is quiet and sick as he was this morning. He had firstly brought up his food last night in his run and then had the runs this morning. Either he has picked up a bug from other dogs with all of his sniffing or has eaten something whilst out that disagreed with him. I took him for his morning run but he would not eat any food nor take biscuits as tit-bits.

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I set out with the plan of putting up the Christmas lights on our balconies but, once I got up there, I found that the gutters needed cleaning out and then there were the balconies themselves to sweep. I therefore ran out of time before taking what was left of the family out to lunch. Daniel had taken off with Gary for Cambridge and Della had been collected by the Browns for a trip out and so it was just Debbie that joined Diana and I for lunch at "The Beefeater" at St Neots Bridge. A nice lunch and then we stayed in town to do some of our Christmas shopping before getting back just before dusk.

I still found Sam a bit under the weather but took him on a little walk to meet Debbie walking back across St Neots Common. He ate a few mouthfuls of his food tonight but left the vast majority of it and I tucked him up in a basket with three blankets in his kennel to keep him warm and comfortable for the night. A clear sky and cold evening. Diana brought the Christmas Tree in this evening ready to be decorated but Della was back too late to make a start on it