Taking Debbie and her school friends to Kimbolton, in the absence of the normal bus
Taking Debbie and her school friends to Kimbolton, in the absence of the normal bus

Taking Debbie and her school friends to Kimbolton, in the absence of the normal bus, and Della to a party in Hall Farm, Pertinall.

Some shopping with Diana and then everyone together to The Little Paxton School Fete on a wet and cool day in the rain before the girls played with friends and I took Sam for a much better walk.

I was slow to awake after a poor night. It was so warm and muggy again that it was really difficult to get comfortable let alone get off to sleep! A bit of a rush to eat breakfast and get out to the dog but he was still asleep and came out to have a big stretch when I took him his meal. To the bus stop with Debbie but, either she and her school-friends had missed it or it did not come, because we waited and waited with Sam to no avail. I came back and got the Discovery and took Debbie and Dr Newby's two children along to Kimbolton before resuming a shortened run with Sam.

** "Read More" BELOW for the complete story**

Diana and I then had to drop Della off at her school-friend's house at a farm in Pertinall by 10.00am but, of course, I made them a few minutes late which upset Di! It did not actually matter as the ramshackle farm and family are very informal. The array of buildings and machinery are matched by a menagerie of cats and kittens that roam everywhere. Then on with Diana to St Neots for morning coffee at Brackenbury's and some shopping after.

We bought a new washing basket and some Indian things carved from teak at Barrett's and felt that they were all very good value for money. Then some flowers from the florist for Mum's grave on her birthday tomorrow before getting Sam out of the car and giving him a walk around town whilst we shopped for car things and other goods. Home in time to meet Debbie from school and then over to Little Paxton School for their annual fete. Sadly, though coming in showers with drier interludes, was very heavy at times.

I went back to Pertinall to collect Della and, after some quite unnecessary histrionics (where she ran off and I refused to go back and get her) she enjoyed meeting her old school friends at the fete and Debbie did the same. Della brought her old friend Nichola Dennis back to play and Debbie went with Helen Thurston and came back later. After tea, I took Sam for a very long walk to make up for the one disrupted and curtailed this morning and then, whilst the family watched a film, I stayed out and washed the car, intending to polish it for protection in the morning. In late and just time to write up this last couple of days journal before it was time for my bedtime drink.