Training Sam on a bitterly cold day
Training Sam on a bitterly cold day

Training Sam on a bitterly cold day, not sparing him the water work, then allowing him inside as I assembled my lap-top computer and enjoyed some televised football and paperwork

Another bitterly cold day that was only alleviated by there not being a particularly bad frost. The family was slow to have breakfast and I was waiting for them for a change after which I took Sam out and did not spare him the water but put him in for three retrieves.

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A long walk with plenty of quartering for him afterwards to get him warm and drip-dry before towelling him thoroughly on his return. He pointed a pheasant well amongst the brambles in the gravel pits and I flushed it for him as it ran forward and then flew away with a clatter. I thought he was pointing rabbits at first but was mistaken.

I assembled my lap-top computer, incorporating the colour display board, external keyboard and monitor again and generally tidied my desk as well. I also cleared out the utility room so that, by mutual agreement, Sam could come in my office on a blanket occasionally. I watched two televised football matches this afternoon; the last one featuring Norwich who came back from being a goal down to draw one-all with Arsenal in a thrilling game.

Then the evening catching up on my bill-paying and financial work before being up fairly late updating my journal and then writing to some training people who will be looking after Sam during our time in France.