In the Name of the Father is a 1993 biographical crime drama
In the Name of the Father is a 1993 biographical crime drama

The day at home without Daniel who was away at Harnser for the weekend. Dog training with Della, lunch at The Bridge and the afternoon watching televised rugby league before off with Diana to Peterborough to see the film "In the Name of The Father"

A day at home with the family but first we were all awoken early by Debbie getting the time wrong and waking us all up by running the shower. Breakfast without Daniel who was away at Harnser for the weekend and then out with Sam taking Della for company as well.

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 It was a frosty morning and bitterly cold and she kept hanging back and being a problem but we still managed to get Sam quartering, retrieving and then in an unfrozen stretch of gravel pit three times making good retrieves there as well despite another dog providing a distraction. Back home via the local shop where Della got some Saturday sweets and I a copy of yesterday's Cambridge Evening News with the election result in it.

A little time in my office making a number of telephone calls and then it was soon time to take Diana and the girls out for a meal. We went to St Neots for a change and enjoyed a meal of nice food at The Bridge despite some pretty slow service from a new waitress. I also bought a large-scale map of Molesworth so as to be able to survey the Manor Farm where a political friend has offered me the chance to run Sam.

The rest of the family walked back home from St Neots with Della taking Sam across the Common on his lead and managing quite well. Debbie took him out in the evening as well and so I was rested, and he was "dog-tired" by the time he had his meal and went to his kennel tonight. My afternoon spent watching a very one-sided rugby league match in which Leeds beat Warrington despite the contribution of Jonathan Davies.

Out this evening with Diana to Peterborough to see the film "In the Name of The Father" which I found good but was too long for Diana who does not want reminding of the troubles in Ireland whatever the public interest is in justice. Back to my journal, my bed-time snack and to bed tired and with a headache after too many late nights lately.