Renewing my Cambridge University Library readers ticket
Renewing my Cambridge University Library readers ticket

Better sessions with Sam today before a Cambridge visit to see Di’s parents and renew my University Library reader's ticket.

Then struggling to make progress with my micro dispute but managing to get some election canvas card printing done

I was not to have a very productive day but at least Sam performed well in his two training walks and the weather held off so that we could enjoy them together. He is now taking to the water much more readily and seems to be more attentive. I had a little time upon my return this morning as I was taking Diana, the girls and a friend to Cambridge.

**"Read More" BELOW for the complete story**

But first I had to field a long call from my new solicitor explaining why he could not help me in the matter of my computer dispute and then informing me, by the by, that he would, however, have to invoice me for £25 for his trouble! Nice work if you can get it! Somewhat grumpily to Cambridge and rather late to meet Diana's parents for morning coffee. My time in the city visiting the University Library and getting my reader's ticket renewed as the others did their shopping.

Lunch on the way back at a Happy Eater and then some little time making calls before the rain and dusk was threatening and so I got out with Sam again. After tea, the evening starting to print the canvas cards for the forthcoming Eaton Ford by-election and then wrote more letters to pursue our case for satisfaction from our errant computer supplier. All this until quite late and then, tired, to bed.