News today of the death from stomach cancer of Radio 4 Today Programme's presenter Brian Redhead
News today of the death from stomach cancer of Radio 4 Today Programme's presenter Brian Redhead

On a dry but cooler and cloudy day, I concentrated on an office day to catch up with my correspondence and work on my late Mum’s estate and my children’s trust portfolio. Also a nice time with Diana and lunch of beef teriyaki.

The death of Radio 4 Today Programme's presenter Brian Redhead and, following the death of Brian Johnston, B.B.C. radio has suffered a double blow.

A tough day catching up with another host of correspondence and I noted that there were nine letters to post at the end of it. The most difficult were those concluding my instructions for the purchase of our third children’s trust investment property, where my solicitors were making rather a meal of it.

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More work also on my Mum's estate and the ordering of her gravestone at long last. A difficult letter to write to Freda who seems to have got little further with selling the business and repaying my loan or even some of the arrears of interest. The day started with a lay in and romp with Diana in honour of which I made her coffee and brought it into bed for us to chat a while.

Sam waited patiently, and the more so as the family had breakfast together before I eventually got out to him around 9.30am. A good walk with him doing all the water retrieves across flooded ditches and then waiting by my side as I did the outside chores. A nice lunch that Diana had prepared of Beef Teriyaki but then back to my desk, forgoing televised sports and programmes for the rest of the day. Daniel came back from Leicester in time for lunch and tea.

The weather was dry but cooler and cloudy after some sort of weather front went over in later afternoon. I drove over to the cemetery to remove the Christmas wreaths and measure up for the new stone. A nice long chat with Jimmy Bird this evening about the arrangements for our forthcoming dog-training stay in Norfolk.

News today of the death from stomach cancer of Radio 4 Today Programme's presenter Brian Redhead. Following the death of Brian Johnston, B.B.C. radio has suffered a double blow and will never sound the same again. At least the Queen Mother seems to be recovering from her nasty chest infection.

The Football Association is still dithering over the appointment of Terry Venables as the new England manager in view of the allegations of financial impropriety against him. A strange call today from someone purporting to be from Jupiter and it seems that I should get my VISA credit after all.