The Remains of the Day stars Anthony Hopkins as an aging butler at a faded British estate
The Remains of the Day stars Anthony Hopkins as an aging butler at a faded British estate

I decided to join Diana on a much milder day today and dry and even sunny at times for a shopping trip to Cambridge but Sam escaped over the wall as we shopped and a neighbour looked after him until we got back.

This evening to Peterborough with Diana to see a good if poignant British film called "The Remains of the Day" starring Anthony Hopkins

I decided to join Diana for a shopping trip to Cambridge and there bought a book on the Excel 4 application and also a new 250 MByte Tape Streamer for backing up our computer systems. Home via the A45 pet shop and The Little Chef for lunch. Before all this, I had another good session with Sam who undertook some water retrieves and responded well to jumping lessons over stiles and fences.

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It was necessary that I did this, but it was the cause of my own downfall as we found that he had jumped over our wall and got out whilst we were away. Luckily, a neighbour Dorothy Bishop saw him and took him home where he was good and sat in her kitchen until she could contact our gardener and get him put away into his kennel. This afternoon running around trying to help with the planning permission problems with Cambridge Street after others had let me down and then out with Sam again.

This evening to Peterborough and a chance to take just Diana to the cinema. A good if poignant British film called "The Remains of the Day" starring Anthony Hopkins and many others. A much milder day today and dry and sunny at times which all came as a pleasant surprise.