Setting off from Paxton to Horning Nigel arrived to collect me for the Cambridge Street site meeting with the Paines/McNish liquidators
Setting off from Paxton to Horning Nigel arrived to collect me for the Cambridge Street site meeting with the Paines/McNish liquidators

Seeing the girls off to school, walking Sam and then some financial meetings. Then setting off from Paxton to Horning having collected Steven from Sawtry who then did some food shopping for us and cooked a fine meal of surf and turf.

It was another hot and humid day with pollen levels sky high for hay fever sufferers. I was awake quite early as Diana brought me a drink but I had to wait for some time for her to clear the bathroom before I could get washed and shaved ready for breakfast. I went in and helped to get Della up, thinking that she might have a few traumas getting back to school. A wrestle and some jokes and she was up quite easily and we all ate breakfast together after which I gave her a "piggy-back" to the lounge.

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A long walk with Sam after he had come with me to the bus stop to see off the girls and then back home to try some paperwork before my appointment in St Neots. My Norwich & Peterborough "Cash Counter Gold" statement had come through and I could reconcile the account at last. In mid-morning I started to get the Discovery ready for my trip to Norfolk and I was still doing this when Nigel arrived to collect me for the Cambridge Street site meeting with the Paines/McNish liquidators. I had heard from Nigel's solicitors earlier in the morning and this meeting went well in respect of tackling the legal objections that we had raised.

The weather was so warm that we were all glad to be in Nigel's Mercedes with its air-conditioning. Home to finish preparing and then, with Sam aboard, I drove up to Sawtry to arrive at exactly 2.00pm, the arranged rendezvous hour, to collect Steven to join me for the trip to Norfolk. We were again glad of the car air-conditioning without which the journey would have been unbearable. We stopped off at our favourite kiosk for mugs of tea and I had to run the gauntlet of the stall-holder asking me all about the change from a Range Rover and the fate of my Rolls Royce. He (and his attractive girl assistant) seemed fascinated by my choice of vehicles.

On after a longish break to get to Horning before 5.00pm. I fed Sam and took him for a long walk and Steve took the Discovery into Wroxham where he bought the provisions for our few days. I had given him £40 and pay for all of the expenses if he helps with the cooking and boat maintenance. He then prepared a nice meal of grilled steak and vegetables, preceded by avocado and prawns which we both enjoyed. I slipped out to get a full gallon of battery top-up water and had to use all of it on my ship's batteries which had lost most of their electrolyte through evaporation and overcharging. A relaxing end to the day as we watched TV news and then the "999" programme all about the rescue and medical services and how they save lives.