Whoopie Goldberg in "Made in America"
Whoopie Goldberg in "Made in America"

A sunny day at last for walks with Sam and time at Horning with Debbie welcoming Amy to play. Lunch at the Horning Tea Shoppe, after which Diana took the children to The Horning Leisure Centre as I worked.

The evening with Diana to Cromer to see Whoopie Goldberg in "Made in America" which was both sad and funny at the same time.

The forecast was for a sunny day and that was just what we got. I was awake early after an earlier night and then out equally early with Sam. It was already bright and sunny if a bit cool. I took him on a walk across the fields and back via the village. The family were still not ready for breakfast when I returned and so I started on the long list of jobs that I had prepared.

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As the weather was nice, we decided on some time in Horning but, because Debbie was homesick and missing her friends, I suggested that she invite the Dunham girls round to play. Only Amy could come but they went out on The Jolly picking blackberries and, after I took them to lunch at the Horning Tea Shoppe, Diana took them to The Horning Leisure Centre. Della met a little girl to play with there and so everybody was happy. I managed some work on my chores but was still left with plenty to do by the end of the afternoon. The evening with Diana to Cromer to see Whoopie Goldberg in "Made in America" which was both sad and funny at the same time. Home late to find Della upset by reading unsuitable "vampire" books but all to sleep quite soon and very tired after today.