I returned to election organising making a number of long telephone calls to our four candidates resolving campaign problems

With the weather much improved, after updating my computer journal for these last ten days, I returned to election organising making a number of long telephone calls to our four candidates resolving campaign problems and organising the next stage in the campaign, even chancing upon both of the Tory candidates, Terry Hayward and the young Normington. Also, time for two good sessions with Sam today. The news is still of Bosnia as the world community tries to decide what to do in response to the latest Serb actions.

The weather today was bright and the best for some time and this helped my outside work with Sam and the work of those campaigning in the local elections. But first, after seeing the family off out for the day, I spent the morning and was glad to finish this by lunch time.

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I had to make my own lunch and prepared a large salad with a half pound of smoked mackerel as its centre. Some apple pie and custard to follow and then a rest watching the TV news before getting back to work in the afternoon. There then followed a number of long telephone calls to our four candidates resolving campaign problems and organising the next stage in the campaign. I also drove through Buckden and Offord on my way back from running Sam in Molesworth and was pleased to see the coverage of our election boards completely swamping those of our Conservative opponents. I even chanced upon both of

the Tory candidates, Terry Hayward and the young Normington for those two wards and succeeded in stopping them canvassing by chatting to them for a while! In this time of mid-campaign, the tactics are quite important and we are winning the argument but things can change rapidly and we must keep an eye on developments. I had two good sessions with Sam today. I got him across the river for the first time for a water retrieve and had him under good control for some hunting this morning. He will still mess about on his first water entry and I have to work on this.

More hunting this afternoon when he was steady to fur and pointed a pheasant and let me flush it for him. I tried constantly to give far less commands and make it crystal clear what I expected of him with the command I did give and this makes for much less disturbance and smoother performance. The evening making more telephone calls and then updating my journal and having a quick bath before bed.

The news is still of Bosnia as the world community tries to decide what to do in response to the latest Serb actions. The NATO leaders have to respond to a call from the United Nations President where he sanctioned more air attacks, but Russia are resisting the idea and other nations are sceptical about its effectiveness.